Sunday, November 30, 2008

DragonFUZE #28

I know there is still a whole month to go until the end of the year, but I have been giving a lot of thought to my creative goals for 2009, especially since 2008 has been such a wash out where I haven't progressed or met any of the creative goals I set for myself at the start of this year.

In 2009 I expect to move on to a more challenging job, our kid will be approaching the age of two and entering childcare and I hope we will have another baby on the way. Depending on how the economy travels, we may also move to a new house. So, forgive the mention of the real world, but next year is looking to be a big one.

Somewhere in all of that I need/ want to hit my stride creatively. Over the last few years I have taken steps towards my goal of being a published comic book writer, but I am a writer/ creator with ADHD; I come up with an idea, get really excited about it, leap into it without much thought, talk it up to other creators/ friends and then... PFFFT! So, in 2009 I am hauling back on the ideas and honing all of my creative work to focus on one thing only; phayries.

So, here is the plan. I have one artist lined up to do a Tikki/ Malinki comic; the story will be no more than 2 issues and will chronicle my two mischievous heroes coming face to face with a tribe of giants! My plan is to make this book happen in the first 6 months of 2009. If all goes well, then I have one more Tikki/ Malinki comic story up my sleeve and hopefully I can make that happen too.

Besides that, I want to have finished planning/ plotting my novel Enshae: Phayrie Dawn and to have at least started on the manuscript.

There you go, my creative plan for 2009; completely and utterly focused on my own creations. That's the way it should be.

You can keep track of my progress on my comic book project right here. To keep up to date with happenings in the world of Enshae: Phayrie Dawn, visit my DragonFUZE Creative blog.



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