Tuesday, January 15, 2008

PopFUZE #12

Q: It’s interesting you talking about trilogies and at what point did you decide to go with straight to videos as opposed to theatrical releases. You’ve got Underworld 3 for instance coming out, is that a theatrical release and how do you go about…?

Tom: It’s a theatrical release definitely. I feel great about that. I think it’s the strongest story that we’ve put together of the three. I think it’s really terrific. I think it leads to a 4th. When we did the 1st Underworld, we imagined three--the 1st one, a sequel and then a prequel. The 3rd is a prequel, so the 4th would carry on where Kate and Scott Speedman left off after 2, so I think this is going to be terrific really this one.

So, here's looking at the future of the Underworld movie franchise.

The awesome news is that it looks like we are getting two more Underworld movies; a prequel and a sequel - that's the best of both worlds! Click the title of the post to read the whole interview with Tom Rosenberg, the head of Lakeshore Entertainment.

Get your leather coats, your guns and your breath mints ready; the Deathdealers and the Lycans are back!



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