Tuesday, February 26, 2008

DragonFUZE #9

Two more pages down tonight and the prelude is done! WOO HOO! I am making progress. I feel so cool to be finally getting in to this script. I set myself the goal of five more pages this week, so I am almost half way there. I know there is not much to these types of posts, but they are my way of keeping score and egging myself on. I am surprised I got any writing done tonight; I was in the office from 9 am until after 7 pm tonight. I didn't get home until after 8 pm, so I am taking this one as a win!


Monday, February 25, 2008

PopFUZE #19

I just wanted to send a shout out to a friend of mine who spends most of his time on the high seas; Cary. Thanks for the comics you sent Mate, they are much appreciated. These days with time and money curbing my comic reading, I appreciate having a generous friend at my side!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

DragonFUZE #8

I finally started on my horror script this weekend, it's just a pity that we have been really busy family wise and I haven't been able to devote too much time to writing.

To be honest, I only have three pages down, but something is better than nothing. I am setting myself a goal of eight to 10 pages a week, so I need to have a minimum of five more pages done by the end of this week.

That may not sound like much, but between being a Papa, being married, working and exploring new work opportunities, I haven't got a lot of time. Still, when it comes to this project, things have been dragging so at least I finally got up off my @$$! I feel great now that I am finally writing again!


Friday, February 22, 2008

DragonFUZE #7

While I am STILL struggling with the transition on the plot from #1 to #2 of my horror/ action book, I can cheerfully update you on things that are happening with the characters from Tiki's Phayrie, the 10 page all-ages fantasy story that I wrote, which was drawn by Michael Kasinger, and appeared in MangaQuake - a UK-based anthology - last year...

The initial story was all about thief and would-be mage Tiki, a young teenager who lives in a fantasy/ magical world and her quest to gain her very own fairy. Well, the other night, I came up with an idea for a sequel of sorts called Tikki's Giant. I haven't ironed out many of the details yet, but at 1:30 am I did what I needed to do: scribbled down some basic notes and then spent the rest of the night dreaming about the story!

So, another new tale is on my plate, a sequel of sorts to Tikki and Malinki's first adventure. Also, it's yet another story that takes place before the 6 - 8 issue series that I have been writing for years which features both characters.

Oh, and you may have noticed that in the first story I spelled Tiki's name with one 'k' and in the second I am spelling Tikki with two. I never intended for there to be any link between my character Tikki and tiki idols, but a number of people have mentioned this to me. I really love the name Tikki as it somehow perfectly sets up the mischevious, fun-loving adventure-seeking nature of the character. So, the name is staying, with an extra constanant to make her stand out even more!


What's that? Oh, that's Tikki, she's telling me that she is setting off for her next adventure in the Trollhaunt Mountains ... I had beter go ...

Wait Tikki! It's going to be cold out in Troll country. You forgot your woolen socks!!


Friday, February 15, 2008

PopFUZE #18

Sorry I have been so slack in updating this blog. I am on vacation now (back to work on Monday!) and just haven't been all that in to pop culture these last few weeks. But... all that has changed now that the new Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull trailer has been released online. Click the title of the post to view the trailer.

The man with the hat is back ... WOO HOO!


Friday, February 1, 2008

Beach boys ... and a girl.

I am heading away with my wife and baby boy for a beach holiday, so there will be no updates here for at least one week.

See ya!
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